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Pupils from 2ºESO made a mural to show how much English we use in Spain in everyday items: labels on clothes, instruction books, video games, food boxes, etc.

Click here to see the works.


Video: The Origin of Christmas

Carol: The Twelve Days of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.
2nd Two turtle doves
3rd Three French hens
4th Four calling birds
5th Five golden rings
6th Six geese a-laying
7th Seven swans a-swimming
8th Eight maids a-milking
9th Nine ladies dancing
10th Ten lords a-leaping
11th Eleven pipers piping
12th Twelve drummers drumming

Song: Last Christmas
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
ba, ba
Ah, ah, oohh, ah,
Ah hah
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
ba, ba
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
ba, ba
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
ba, ba
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
The very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me?
It's been a year
It doesn't surprise me

(Happy Christmas)

I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying I love you
I meant it

Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again
Ba, ba
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
ba, ba
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
ba, ba
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding,
beh, beh
Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
ding, ba-oooh!

A crowded room
Friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you
And your soul of ice
My god I thought you were
Someone to rely on
I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
Ba, ba
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
Ba, ba, ba
Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Ring, ding, ding,
ding, ding
Ring, ding, ding, ding
bum, bum

Game: Catapult winter animals
Game: Help Santa collect gifts
Game: Christmas word search
Video: Mr. Bean

3º PDC. Practice Unit 3

House rooms and furniture
House furniture
House rooms


There is/There are

2º ESO. Practice Unit 3

Adjectives 1
Adjectives 2

Comparatives 1
Comparatives 2


Better that the Best of the Best

1º Bachillerato. Practice Unit 3

Phrasal verbs with 'keep'
Nouns suffixes


Relative pronouns
Defining/non-defining clauses


Superman cartoon 1941


2º ESO. Practice Unit 2

Clothes crossword
Instruments memory game


Present continuous
Present continuous (future meaning)
Word order

(practice Present continuous)

1º Bachillerato. Practice Unit 2

Means of transport
Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs with 'come'
False friends
Confusing words

Present Perfect simple + Video explanation
Past Perfect simple 1 + Past Perfect simple 2
Time expressions position + Past time expressions

Song (practise Present Perfect)

The History of Halloween

Learn something about Halloween
Reading test on Halloween

Click on the image,
watch, listen and do the quiz.

1º Bachillerato. Practice Unit 1

Personality adjectives
Phrasal verbs
Past simple
Past continuous
Used to

2º ESO. Practice Unit 1

Activities 1
Activities 2
Sports 1
Sports 2
Present simple
Present simple short answers
Question words
Adverbs of frequency
Object pronoun 1
Object pronoun 2
Personal information

Reading books 2009-2010

2º ESO
Tales of Arabian Nights, Burlington books. Alison Phillips.
ISBN 978-9963-47-523-0

3º PDC
Kidnap, Oxford. John Escott.
Pretty Face, Oxford. John Escott.
Changing Places, Oxford. Alan Hines.

1º BAC.
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and other stories, Burlington books. Edgar Allan Poe.
ISBN 978-9963-617-27-2

4th July - Declaration of Independence

Today, 4th July, Americans celebrate the Declaration of Independence.
In 1776 they became independent from Great Britain.
Click on the picture to know more.


Are you crafty? Do you want a spying cat?
You need:
a printer, scissors and glue, blu-tack or celotape.

Click on the image to enlarge and print.

Review 1

Level 1
Review some easy common phrases
Review prepositions
Review adjectives 1
Review question words (who/what/where...)

Level 2

Review the verbs
Review much/many
Review adjectives 2
Review mix

Level 3

Review passive voice 1
Review because/although
Review mix


Click here to read the script

Click here to do a test

The Tower of Hercules - World Heritage

The Tower of Hercules in A Coruña was named World Heritage site by the UNESCO.
It is the oldest Roman lighthouse still in use.
Click here to learn a bout the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.

This is the inside of the Tower.

This is how birds see the Tower.

Michael Jackson Says Goodbye

Never Can Goodbye (your can listen, read and sing)


3º DIV. IES Pastoriza. Practice for last exam

Places in the city word search
Types of buildings


Present continuous or simple
Present continuous or simple



Lemon Tree

See My Vest

Some men hunt for sport,
Others hunt for food,
The only thing I'm hunting for,
Is an outfit that looks good...

See my vest, see my vest,
Made from real gorilla chest,
Feel this sweater, there's no better,
Than authentic Irish setter.

See this hat, 'twas my cat,
My evening wear - vampire bat,
These white slippers are albino
African endangered rhino.

Grizzly bear underwear,
Turtles' necks, I've got my share,
Beret of poodle, on my noodle
It shall rest,

Try my red robin suit,
It comes one breast or two,
See my vest, see my vest,
See my vest.

Like my loafers? Former gophers -
It was that or skin my chauffeurs,
But a greyhound fur tuxedo
Would be best,

So let's prepare these dogs,
Mrs. Potts:
Kill two for matching clogs,
Mr. Burns: See my vest, see my vest,
Oh please, won't you see my vest.

Happy birthday, Big Ben!

Today Big Ben is 150 years old!

Let's Play Hangman

Let's Play Trivial


Alba 1ºB likes this song.

Vocabulary Note

Roller Coaster=Montaña Rusa

1º ESO. Practice unit 9

Vocabulary: Clothes
Matching game
Completing activities

Going to
Going to questions

Song: Fame 'I'm gonna live forever'

2ºESO. Practice Unit 9

Vocabulary: Computers

Will 1
Will 2
Will/Going to
First Conditional

s: Completing activities

McFly: 'I'll Be OK' (activity)

Queen: 'We Will Rock You' (activity)

Extreme piracy fight

Watch this joke add from 'The IT Crowd' (a British TV series)

1º ESO. Practice Unit 8

Parts of a house
Dates and Years


Verbs in the past
Memory game
Irregular verbs 1
Irregular verbs 2


2º ESO. Practice Unit 8

Food and More food
Food expressions

'Going to' sentences
'Going to' questions
'Going to' mix

Song 1
Gorillaz 'Mr. Blue Sky'

Song 2

Writing activity

18th May (1ºA/B, 2ºA/C). Writing activity with verbs in the past Ring-Sit.
19th May (only 2ºB).Writing activity with verbs in the past Ring-Sit.

Labor Day

Once upon a time there were no labor rights. Kids like you had to work and couldn't study.

Writing Activity

Next writing activity on the 4th of May (for 1ºA/B, 2ºA/C).
For 2ºB on the 5th of May.

2º ESO. Practice Unit 7

1. Animals (land)
2. Animals (bugs)

1. How much / How many...? (order the words)
2. How much / How many...?/ not much / not many
3. Should / Shouldn't

Sing and practice your vocabulary

Surprise Song (do the exercise)

1º ESO. Practice Unit 7

1. School subjects
2. Objects in the classroom (choosing exercise)
3. Ordinal numbers (matching game)
4. Ordinal numbers (word search)
5. Ordinal numbers (writing exercise)

1. There was/there were
2. Be: passt simple (choose was/ were)
3. Be: past simple (choose present or past)

Sing and practice your vocabulary

Writing Task

Write a story using the next verbs from your list: from Go to Learn.
Remember to include a title and a picture. Don't write only separated sentences.
Date: 20th April.

Revision activities

Very easy dictation
Dictation 1
Dictation 2
Video dictation 3
Song: A Wonderful World
Song: Three little birds

THEATRE: Daily News

We went to the theatre yesterday and had a good time with Jacqueline, Alfie, Rupert and Chloe.


This is the answer: Because seven ate nine/Because seven, eight, nine.

2º ESO Practice Unit 6

Home furniture 1 2
Parts of the house
Past continuous affirmative, negative and interrogative
1 2 3 4


1º ESO Practice Unit 6

Food and drink
1 2 3
Plural nouns
1 2
Some / any
1 2

Writing Activity for 18th March

Write a story with the next 10 irregular verbs from your list (from Fall to Give).
Include a title and a picture or drawing. I will choose the best in every classroom to publish at Stotyteller's Corner (see new link on the right).
Bring it on 18th March.

Little Red Riding Hood, by Roald Dahl

Listen and watch

Homework for 1º and 2º ESO.

Homework for Monday 16th February.

2º ESO. Practice Unit 5.

Vocabulary Means of Transport.
Past simple.
Past simple negative and interrogative.
Listening. A holiday to Singapore.
Song. New York, New york.

1º ESO. Practice Unit 5.

Vocabulary Places in the city. Memory Game.
Vocabulary Places in the city. Wordsearch.
There is / There are
Listening. A Busy Day.
Song. Imagine.

At the request of my pupils

As I promised... Click and sing.

TINE. ¿Quién se ha llevado mi queso?

1. Pinchad en el queso para leer el texto. También podéis ver el vídeo.
Parte 1

Parte 2

2. Elaborad de fichas con las características de los personajes al actuar.
3. En grupos escribid una historia cuyos protagonistas sean adolescentes y reproduzcan las carácterísticas de los personajes del cuento.

Programas de inmersión lingüística verano 2009

Diario Oficial de Galicia
Axudas para realizar actividades de inmersión lingüística no verán de 2009.
1º ESO en campamentos en España dúas semanas.
2º ESO en familias ou residencias en Reino Unido, Irlanda e Francia tres semanas.

3º ESO. Teoría 2º avaliación

Aquí temos un resumo da teoría desta 2ª avaliación.
Buscadores, portais e demais termos relacionados con Internet.

BO-C031 A importancia do traballo en equipo.

BO-C032 ¿Que é un contrato de traballo?

BO-C033 ¿Qué é un convenio colectivo?

BO-C034 Os dereitos e deberes de traballadores e empresarios.

B1-C035 A aportación do emprendemento á sociedade.

1º ESO. Practice Unit 4

1. Vocabulary
Weather memory game
Weather matching game
Countries and nationalities
Countries and nationalities matching game
Countries and nationalities nationalities choosing game
2. Grammar
Present continuous filling the gaps exercise
Present continuous choosing exercise
3. Video interview "Where are you form?"

2º ESO. Practice Unit 4

1. Vocabulary:
Jobs memory game
Jobs choosing game
Jobs matiching exercice (more difficult)
Simple past memory game
Simple past matching game
Simple past filling the gaps exercise
Simple past full review
3. Interview 'What's your job?'

Happy 2009